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And if they don't make it to the pros?

Advice for Parents of Athletes

We want to dedicate this article to shed light on one of the topics that probably creates more shadows for parents, mothers, and coaches of young athletes. The issue is the risk involved in aspiring to be a professional player and not achieving it. What if they don't make it to the pros? What will become of him or her?

Well, in this article, we provide a brief analysis of the educational benefits of sports practice and how they can be leveraged for other future professional options. We include preventive actions in case they do not reach professionalism and alternative professional options. Additionally, we offer practical suggestions for parents to actively support the balance between academic education and the sporting passion of their children.

Benefits of Sports Experience:

Participating in sports not only promotes physical development but also cultivates fundamental life skills. Discipline, perseverance, and teamwork are intrinsic values ​​to sports practice that translate into everyday life. In addition, regular physical activity contributes to mental and physical well-being, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle. Sports training also provides an opportunity to build strong relationships and a valuable support network. Sufficient reasons to support our children in practicing sports as an essential complement to their future development in any professional field.

Actions in Anticipation of Not Becoming Professionals:

To mitigate the concerns of parents about the sports future of their children, it is essential to take preventive measures. At Vibliotec, we believe that the key lies in encouraging a balance between education and sports.

Establishing balanced schedules, monitoring academic performance, promoting study habits, and providing support through tutors or mentors are effective strategies. Additionally, exploring educational options related to sports and focusing on the development of transferable skills, such as leadership, will prepare young people for various professional paths.

Alternative Professional Options:

It is important to emphasize that success is not limited to a professional career as a player. All the experience gained in the sport they practice will open the door to success in numerous professional options, especially in the sports field. They can become coaches, referees, physiotherapists, sports nutritionists, sports journalists, sports managers, etc.

It is crucial that parents do not create a limiting horizon and consider each of these options as something that allows young people to pursue their passion for sports from diverse and enriching perspectives.

Supporting the Balance between Education and Sports:

For parents to actively support the balance between education and sports, we suggest the following practical actions:

  1. Establish a balanced schedule: Collaborate with young people to create a schedule that includes dedicated time for both study and sports training.
  2. Monitoring academic performance: Regularly track academic performance to identify possible areas for improvement.
  3. Promoting study habits: Create a suitable study environment at home and teach effective study techniques.
  4. Support from a tutor or mentor: Seek a tutor or mentor to provide additional academic support and guidance in time planning.
  5. Participation in educational activities related to sports: Explore educational opportunities related to sports, such as talks, seminars, or specialized courses.
  6. Focus on the development of transferable skills: Highlight how skills learned in sports (e.g., leadership) are transferable to the academic and professional fields.
  7. Promote rest and leisure time: Recognize the importance of rest for academic and sports performance.
  8. Communication with coaches and teachers: Maintain open communication with coaches and teachers to ensure a harmonious balance.


By cultivating a balance between education and sports, young people will be able to enjoy the benefits of both experiences without compromising their overall well-being. Diversifying skills and exploring alternative professional options will prepare young people for a solid and full future of possibilities. With the right support from their parents, these young athletes can face the future with confidence and determination.
