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With the arrival of summer, there is a unique opportunityto enhance your running technique and optimize athleticperformance. A proper running technique is not onlycrucial for injury prevention but also essential forachieving peak performance in competitions.

The importance of a good running technique

An optimal running technique allows athletes to run faster, more efficiently, and with a reduced risk of injuries. Byimproving running mechanics, athletes can decreaseenergy expenditure and maximize performance. Studieshave shown that a refined running technique can significantly boost athletic performance. According to a study published in the *Journal of Applied Physiology*, runners who adopt an efficient running technique can improve their running economy by up to 8%.

Key points for an efficient running technique

1. Proper posture: Maintain an upright posture with a slight forward lean.

2. Step cadence: Increase cadence to approximately 180 steps per minute to reduce ground contact time.

3. Foot landing: Ensure the foot lands under the body'scenter of mass to minimize impact.

4. Arm Movements: Move the arms relaxedly forward and backward, avoiding crossing the body.

From a regular runner to an efficient runner

To become an efficient runner, focusing on technique isfundamental. Here is a practical process:

1. Technique analysis: Evaluate your current techniquethrough video recordings and biomechanical analysis.

2. Specific Training: Implement technique exercises, suchas skipping, to improve running mechanics.

3. Muscle Strengthening: Perform core and legstrengthening exercises to enhance stability and power.

4. Constant Feedback: Work with a coach or use running analysis apps for continuous feedback.

Practical exercise: Skipping

Skipping is an excellent exercise to improve running technique. It involves alternately lifting your knees whilerunning in place, focusing on an upright posture and efficient arm movements. Perform three sets of 30 seconds, resting for 30 seconds between each set.

The ideal instructor: Albert Casas

Albert Casas, a renowned sports podiatrist and professorat Vibliotec, is the perfect instructor to teach you how toimprove your running technique. With years of experienceand a deep understanding of sports biomechanics, Albert has helped numerous athletes optimize their performance. His scientific and practical approach ensures effectiveresults.

Questions to reflect on

It is the perfect time to reflect on:

1. How could I improve my performance by adjustingsmall details in my running technique?

2. What additional benefits could I experience by adoptinga more efficient running technique?

3. Am I maximizing my potential with my current running technique?

As always, the answers are in your hands. However, thedetailed responses and specific methods to improve yourrunning technique can be found in our recommendedcourse with expert Albert Casas, who stands out for hisauthority and experience in this field.

Our advice

Are you passionate about training and reaching your bestversion? Do you want to master how it's done? Start ourcourse ‘Improve Your Running Technique to OptimizePerformance’ and learn from Albert Casas, a prestigioussports podiatrist renowned for his ability to analyze and enhance any athlete's performance. Discover all the keysto improving your running technique. Buy the course nowand take your results to the next level!

Acces to the course information: https://vibliotec.org/cursos/mejora-tecnica-optimizar-rendimiento

This summer, seize the opportunity to improve yourrunning technique and elevate your performance withexpert guidance from Albert Casas. The time is now!



1. Saunders, P. U., Pyne, D. B., Telford, R. D., & Hawley, J. A. (2004). Factors affecting running economy in traineddistance runners. Journal of Applied Physiology, 98(1), 330-336.

2. Moore, I. S. (2016). Is there an economical running technique? A review of modifiable biomechanical factorsaffecting running economy. Sports Medicine, 46(6), 793-807.

3. Hamill, J., & Gruber, A. H. (2017). Running with a minimalist shoe increases plantar loading in college-agedfemale runners. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20(7), 662-666.

4. Paavolainen, L., Häkkinen, K., Hämäläinen, I., Nummela, A., & Rusko, H. (1999). Explosive-strengthtraining improves 5-km running time by improvingrunning economy and muscle power. Journal of AppliedPhysiology, 86(5), 1527-1533.