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Haste, unwise counsellors.

Haste, Unwise Counsellors.

We live in a society of "here and now," but beware, not from the enjoyment of the senses in appreciating the moment, the moment that gives meaning to existence and offers us a brilliant twilight of happiness by focusing on the full enjoyment of the magical instant that life gives us in daily experiences.

In Japan, they have a clear understanding of this, working on "ikigai," the impulse of life, the essential reason why you act, your purpose.

But now, I refer to the more Western "here and now," understood from the standpoint of demand, the immediate demand for results, and by extension, the achievement of victories at any cost, in sports and in professional life in general.

I confess that throughout my coaching career, I was only motivated if the team had projection, growth, and challenging goals ahead to overcome, difficult but always in the medium to long term. I did not enjoy coaching top teams, those considered favourites.

The ability to grow on the path together with the players, adding failures and successes, enjoying the journey of growth, sharing knowledge, and yes, aiming for the dream of success, victories, results – that's what I cherished. Following this philosophy, I experienced triple success: enjoying the journey in the moment, real success that sports give you afterward – deep friendships with staff and players, and inner strength gained through the effort invested in the challenge. If results were added to that, it became epic.

The "here and now" turned into haste brings us closer to winning at all costs and in a hurry, generates tensions, and results are "bought" through signings at any price, imminent coach dismissals, and even, in some sports, racism, violence, or other acts, all dressed up to win, only to win, and above all, as fast as possible – no matter how, only how much. And success usually comes disguised as glamour because that's what is popular on social media and in the media.

This format drags along with the mental health of coaches and players, many of them victims of stress and the pressure for results at any cost, which turns into depression in the long run.

In times of haste, undoubtedly, the famous phrase "Dress me slowly; I'm in a hurry" would fit perfectly to preserve the post-retirement health that so many athletes have suffered.

At Vibliotec, we enjoy the "here and now" that makes us grow every day, share knowledge, and spread the culture and authentic values of sports with our beloved community. We serve as a conduit between our great team of teachers and our community – that is our ikigai.

Thank you for being part of Vibliotec.

Lluís Casas
